People Who Fell For Total Scams Share Their Real Life Stories

From Out of Nowhere


In a diner parking lot in Asheville NC. I look over both shoulders before backing out of my parking spot and see no one there so I back out. All of a sudden there is an old beat-up truck there which of course I hit. I am on vacation and have a rental so I am like “uh oh, I have a rental, how does this work?” Etc etc.

Passenger comes up and says, “Oh hey don’t worry about it, it’s an old beat-up truck.” I go back to my car still freaked out but relieved.

The guy comes back and says “Oh hey, you don’t have $15 so we can get some gas do you?” I reach in my pocket and quickly hand the guy $15. He hops in the truck, they take off and as quickly as it took me to hand him the money I realize what just happened. I get back in the car, look at my wife and say, “I just got scammed.” Hostess from the diner peeks her head out the door, “Is everything okay out here?” That sealed it.

Story credit: Reddit / watchandlisten

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