People Who Fell For Total Scams Share Their Real Life Stories

We’ll Be More Careful Next Time


Not me, but my buddy. Also, not sure if it was a scam or just your average corruption.

He was in Uganda with our university for about a month. They were on a bus driving to another city and they had left at about 5 am so they were sleeping most of the time. They stopped somewhere randomly to get a bathroom break or something and saw this pretty bridge and a lot of them took out their phones/cameras to take pictures.

When they left, about a half-hour later they ran into a roadblock monitored by the military. One of the military guys saw a camera on the bus and got on (with the weapons strapped) and demanded to see everyone’s pictures. Well, he saw the ones of the bridge and got mad because apparently you’re not allowed to take pictures of government property in Uganda. So they had to pay $300 (which was what it equaled out to in our currency) otherwise they were going to take everyone to jail.

They paid up and left, but we’re definitely scared and more careful.

Story credit: Reddit / KinFatMidgts

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