Money Down

When I was 18 my friend and I were in a hookah lounge and we met this guy who said he ran this pretty popular online radio station and he could give us some air time (we’re musicians). I was kind of skeptical about it, but my friend was really excited to do it and she convinced me we should do it. He said we had to pay $35 to buy the slot, which I thought made sense at the time, so I put up the money. We were supposed to meet with him again the next day so he could show us how to do everything.
My friend was really excited and we spent the rest of the evening putting together a mix CD of what songs we wanted to play. The next day, we went to meet him again at the hookah place and he was not there. We asked an employee about him since he said he often hosted the program there. They said they had never seen him before yesterday.
It was only $35, but at that time it was a decent amount of money for me and the worst part was I was actually excited to do a radio show.
Story credit: Reddit / -eDgAR-