Guest For the Night

Not a cop, but when I was in university I went to a party and got totally loaded. I decided I shouldn’t go to the bar and started walking home. En route, I remember specifically deciding I was too out of it, a cop was going to pick me up, and I should stay at my friends Brent and Scott’s place.
I walked through the front door, kicked off my shoes, yelled up the stairs that it was just me (I’d done this before) and crashed on the couch.
Roughly an hour and a half later, maybe around 1:30 in the morning, I wake up in cuffs. I’m a really heavy sleeper, with drinks in my system or not, so they were having a real tough time waking me.
Finally I wake, realize I can’t move my arms, and see two cops and a family of 4. Holy crap, what had happened.
The family is just staring at me and the cops start demanding answers. Naturally, I’m like, “Ugh, is Brent here?” The cops are not impressed.
Finally, after about 20 minutes of them shouting at me, I kind of clue in. I ask them the date, it was May 1st. Their lease had literally expired the day before and the new tenants moved in.
I explained and explained and finally asked the cop if I could call them and prove it. They let me, and I had the cop ask him what his address was the day before – Brent recited the same one I had been sleeping in.
They still gave me a ticket, but no trespassing ticket and they drove me home. Story credit: Reddit / steboy