People Who Told Incredible Legal Excuses That Ended Up Being Absolutely True

What Do You Think You’re Doing?


Not a cop but I did get stopped by one for eating a taco.

I worked at a community college in LA that had a high school right next to it. Well there was a lot of substances sold through the fence at the high school; so there was always a cop driving up and down the street between the schools. Couldn’t get a parking pass since I just worked at the school so I always parked on that street.

Hit up taco bell for lunch and was sitting in my car eating my double decker tacos, when a cop drove past. Next thing I know he’s flipping a u-turn and heading right for me.

He slides to a stop driver window to driver window and yells at “what the heck do you think you’re doing?” Stunned I just said “eating my lunch”. Well he isn’t buying it and says I’m hiding something. I just hold up my taco and looked so confused. He burst out laughing and pealed out.

Saw him a few times after that and he always waved and had the biggest grin on his face. Story credit: Reddit / I_killed_Kenny_

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