We’re Just Recycling

Former Park Ranger.
First week in the job we pull up and see a couple of kids smoking in their car with the windows down. The city has an ordinance against smoking on park property, but it is too petty to give them a ticket.
We approach the car and they are visibly nervous. My training officer looks through the windows and sees a couple of beer cans in the car. Bingo.
We get them out and start running their info; they are all underage but old enough to smoke cigarettes. My training officer asks them where the cans came from — the driver says he recycles. My training officer laughs and begins to search the car.
I’m finishing up running their info, and these guys are being really respectful. Training officer finishes searching the cab and goes to open the trunk. All the sudden I hear him bust out laughing. He is laughing so hard he can barely breathe.
He waves me over to look at the trunk of the car and it is level with crushed cans and bottles.
My training officer said that he has heard that excuse for 20 years and this is the first time it was true. He walked up, uncuffed the driver and let him go. Story credit: Reddit / scout1520