A Small Souvenir

Not a cop but I had a run in with one that was really funny once. When I was 18, I was on a double date with a friend, and we stepped out of a restaurant to smoke. A cop came up and started harassing us, telling us there had been break ins into cars in the area.
Eventually, he said he needed to pat us down, and he pulled a brown paper bag out of my friend’s pocket. He got a smug look on his face and asked, “So, what’s in here, huh?”
My friend said, “The Emancipation Proclamation” with a completely straight face.
The cop opened the bag, pulled out a small booklet, got embarrassed, and let us go. My friend had been to the Lincoln Museum earlier that day and did actually have a small copy of the Emancipation Proclamation in his pocket. Story credit: Reddit / RPShep