A Sad Situation

Mid July in like 2008? Young kid going 93 in a 55… I swing in and he immediately pulls over. Approaching the car, his first words before I can even start speaking, “My dog died, he hung himself! I gotta get back before my mom gets home!”
Uh. What?
Anyway, he calls other family members. His aunt, Uncle and 2 cousins come out to the stop and between all their sobbing, they verify that the dog had actually hopped over the fence on a leash/runner and couldn’t get back over. Everyone’s crying now.
They showed me a photo on their phone. Apparently they found the dog and called the kid at work and he just left. I didn’t even bother verifying further than that. Cousin drove the kid’s car back so they could take care of the dog and prepare for Mom.
Some said that I should have wrote him, but losing an animal sucks enough, he knew he messed up and adding financial burden to him wasn’t going to help him or me. Story credit: Reddit / SlovoTheSecond