Burglary Hotspot

At around 2am on a weeknight, I see a guy bolt from a house in a quiet residential burglary hotspot. His face is covered, he’s wearing sunglasses or something similar and the kind of dark clothing you catch burglars in.
As I follow him and start to shout up on the radio, the cars parked between us clear to reveal he is running on a lead behind the tiniest dog I’ve ever seen, a clearly uncontrollable pooch that is having the time of its life. I just kept going.
Some clarification. The dog was on a lead, he was stopping to snuff at lampposts, it wasn’t a dognapping. The man was running as he was trying to keep up with the dog while letting it go at the pace it wanted to. He ran from the house but the front door was closed; doglet took off when they hit the pavement.
When I got a closer look the glasses were tinted, not sunglasses. I don’t know why he had his face covered, it was a scarf and it was autumn but we don’t have sumptuary laws in our country and you can wear what you like, I’m not the fashion police. I spoke to him when I saw him later on but I don’t remember the dog’s name, sorry. Story credit: Reddit / echocardio