People Who Told Incredible Legal Excuses That Ended Up Being Absolutely True

Never Mind!


My cousin is a cop and  he told us this story.

He saw a car driving slowly at about 3am through a neighborhood that had had several break-ins. He thinks to himself that they’re looking for a target, so he puts on his lights and pulls them over.

He walks up and the driver puts the window down and she turns to look at him with fire in her eyes and says, in a harsh whisper, “This had better be important because I just got the baby to sleep!” He looks in the back and there’s a baby in a car seat, sound asleep.

The memory of what it was like when his babies wouldn’t sleep rushes back, and he says, “Oh no! I’m so sorry! Never mind!” And goes back to his car. She drives away slowly. He’s just glad he didn’t wake the baby. Story credit: Reddit / non_legitur

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