The Defense Rests

Guy was arrested for arson. A neighbor in a subdivision backing up to the farm saw him methodically move all the valuables out of the barn over a period of a week. Then closely mowed the hayfields for about 50 yards radius all around the barn.
He was puzzling over the mowing when he noticed the farmer walk all around the barn, pouring something from “a blue gas can” right at the bottom of the barn walls. Neighbor looks away for less than a minute, when he looks back the barn is fully engulfed in flames!
He calls the fire department and reports the farmer has set his barn on fire, with gas or something. Fire department is on-scene in about 5 minutes, and reports the barn is already beyond saving. They do smell diesel fuel.
A quick investigation says it’s arson: field is mowed to prevent spread. The burned barn has nothing much in it, but the other barn and shed overhang has a lot of stuff recently placed, with grass underneath still green. Definite marks of petroleum accelerant.
They arrest the farmer on the spot, he says nothing. Farmer refuses to talk to the DA and asks for his lawyer.
I am on the jury where the prosecution states they will prove the farmer set his own barn on fire. Barn was insured, insurance fraud was the motive. They call all the expected witnesses: the neighbor, play the 911 call, interview the firemen who smelled fuel and saw marks of accelerant on the ground, etc. Defense does no cross examination at all.
Prosecution is done, defense has their turn.
Defense calls the farmer, and first question asked is: “Let’s cut to the chase. Did you burn your barn down?”
“Why did you do it?”
“It was old, and rotten, with termites. Going to fall down. Not safe.”
“Hm. Have you always burned down old farm buildings?”
“Yep, and my daddy did before me. It’s a farm.”
“Are you aware that you need a permit to burn debris in this county?”
“Been doin’ it like that on this farm since forever, never had no permit.”
“The fine is up to $50. Oh, wait, I forgot, you’re zoned ‘active agriculture’, and are exempt, no permit needed. But, why didn’t you tell any of this to the police?”
“They didn’t ask till after they put handcuffs on me and took me to the police station. They told me anything I said would be used against me, and said I had the right to remain silent, and THEN some lawyer guy came in and told me I was going to prison for insurance fraud. I remember Perry Mason said don’t talk to anyone but your lawyer. So I didn’t.”
“Did you file an insurance claim?”
“What for? The barn wasn’t worth anything in that state, and I moved all the stuff out.”
“I suggested we try to talk them out of this. You said you wanted your day in court. What’s up with that?”
“They came on my land, arrested me without telling me what for. Told me later it was for arson and insurance fraud, and put that in the newspapers. All my friends, relatives, and neighbors know about this.
“They made me look dishonest. I want to make sure everyone knows the real facts. I figure this is better than them just dropping it, and everyone wondering whether they just decided not to send an old man to prison.”
“Defense rests.”
It was epic. Story credit: Reddit / garycarroll