People Who Told Incredible Legal Excuses That Ended Up Being Absolutely True

Keep Your Cool


The first one that comes to mind for me:

Late at night, I saw a dude hauling copper pipe out of a local grocery store after it closed down. Copper theft at the time was super common, so I thought I had a burglary in progress.

I stop out, get ready for an easy arrest. Ask him what he’s doing. He says he was hired to clean the place out. Ask why he’s taking the copper. Owner told him that his payment was the copper piping. Since it wasn’t going to be a grocery store after, they didn’t need it. I didn’t buy it for a minute. My BS detector was screaming at this point.

So I find the owner in our records, call him, and sure as you please… Dude was hired to clean the place out and was paid in copper pipe. That was their agreement.

But then I asked him why he was out at 2am, since it was super suspicious. Since the place closed down, there was no AC. As it was the middle of summer, 2am was the best way to do it and keep cool. Story credit: Reddit / BluBadger

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