Behind the Wheel

Okay so I’m going to tell my crazy story as the person behind the wheel. My uncle was divorcing his terrible wife (he was no saint but definitely on the right side of their divorce).
The wife was still on the paperwork to take their two kids out of the school even though my uncle had temporary custody while the courts did their thing. She had previously threatened to take them both and just run away, so I don’t know why she was still on the paperwork.
On picture day that year, she showed up to the school and signed both kids out and disappeared.
I was not involved in the crazy process of calling the police and tracking the kids down, but I was pulled from school that day because I had my drivers license and could be an extra pair of hands. They manage to find the kids and they were turned over my Grandmother and Mom, but my niece was DISTRAUGHT that she would be missing picture day.
It was her first time away from her terrible mother and she was finally allowed to be a cheerleader, a dream in her tiny eyes. So, me having my car and nothing else better to do, offered to take her back to the school.
My Mom got the school to agree to keep the person there a little longer but it was going to be by the skin of our teeth that we would make it as this was rural OK.
We got in the car and I BLASTED down those dirt roads doing approx. 70 in a 35. Not a good decision on my part but I was an anxiety ridden 17 year old dealing with a nasty divorce and kidnapping for the first time in my life. We, of course, get pulled over. I’m freaking out cause I can’t afford that bad of ticket and all the crap that was coming in that day.
The cop listened to the story, and ignored my barely held in tears, and said he would let us off with a warning because he believed the story. And the only reason he believed the story was that he had just pulled over my uncle going the same speed the opposite direction on the same road and got the same story. Story credit: Reddit / Acctingisforlosers