People Who Told Incredible Legal Excuses That Ended Up Being Absolutely True

Overwhelming Situation

YouTube / sidiuzz

I had just started uni at the time. My friend and I were hanging out and decided to go back to my place. We walk in the front door to see my dad sitting on the couch, head in hands just looking overwhelmed.

Behind him my two sisters are screaming and running back and forth with a plastic bin and upon realizing I’m there start yelling for me to grab the cats because they’re trying to eat a bat! Long story short my friend and I join them in screaming while trying to catch this bat and keep the cats away from it.

We finally catch the bat and everything is silent for a few moments until there’s a bang on the door. Dad answers it and calls us girls over. To explain that there was indeed a bat and no one was being killed like the neighbors thought. The officers looked so done with life after we talked to them. Story credit: Reddit / jade7angel

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