Petty Acts of Revenge That Seriously Draw the Line

Puke Solution


It was my first day back in my 3rd grade class after being out sick for nearly a week with the stomach flu. I started feeling sick during story time after lunch and raised my hand to ask to go to the bathroom, teacher told me to put my hand down, and shushed me when I tried to protest.

I couldn’t believe that she either didn’t believe that I needed to go, or didn’t want to let me go simply so I could continue to listen to her read, especially because I had been so seriously sick just a few days ago that I missed a week of school.

Cue this happening 3 more times or so and after the last one I just proceeded to vomit all over the classroom floor, which was carpeted. I hope she never did that to another kid, because it was really just cruel. realgenius13

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