Petty Acts of Revenge That Seriously Draw the Line

The Worst Pain Imaginable


When I was in preschool, this kid Luke told the teacher I was scribbling while we were drawing. I was completely dumbstruck. What kind of arrogance made him think that he was able to make that assessment of my art?

That kind of tattletale behavior might seem commonplace for kids, but I had never met such an arrogant and rude kid before in my young life, so it stood out to me as one of those pinnacle moments where you really learn something about the world and the people in it.

Maybe I’m overreacting, but looking back, it was really the first time that I had met a jerk, so I responded swiftly with childhood justice. So, I put legos in his shoes to even the score. I’m still pretty proud of myself for coming up with that one. Strixis

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