Petty Acts of Revenge That Seriously Draw the Line

When Life Gives You Lemons


I work on a bar, and for the most part it’s a pretty good customer service job. More people are more courteous than not, which you might not expect to be the case when you’re dealing with alcohol, but I think enough people are smart enough to not bite the hand that feeds them.

But there are certainly plenty of jerks too and any customer who is a jerk to me, I fill their glass with ice so they get less drink, or give them a small piece of lemon. It’s the least I can do to ruin their night without seeming like the bad guy in the situation.

Conversely anyone who is nice gets doubles for the price of singles and the largest lemon slices. Hopefully that will encourage the good customers to come back and the jerks to stay away for good. scottynewcastle

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