Petty Acts of Revenge That Seriously Draw the Line



Ah, this happened just yesterday. I was driving on a side street (speed limit of 40 mph but there are a lot of school zones, so it is frequently 25 mph) and there was a crazy driver coming up behind me, weaving through traffic, speeding, ignoring school zones, and just being a terrible driver, all in all.

I am driving next to a truck, and I look over at him, he nods his head, and I do the same, and when this guy comes up behind us, we go the same speed (the speed limit) until we hit the highway (about 5 miles). The guy behind us was raging in the mirror and weaving back and forth.

Looking back, I feel kinda bad, but we have had a lot of accidents lately, where people are ignoring the school zones and kids have been hit crossing the street. So I don’t feel that bad. nolooking

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