Petty Acts of Revenge That Seriously Draw the Line

Odd Flavor


I had a coworker who would eat other people’s food, even leftovers, out of the work fridge. This happens in most offices, but the guy who did it was such a ferocious eater that it was noticeable to everyone who brought food in to work.

There didn’t seem to be anything that we could even do about it. He had a big appetite so he would constantly finish two or three people’s meal daily, ignoring any and all notes to do otherwise.

This was so annoying that people had to keep food at their desks to be sure that they would have something to eat come lunch time. So we put a plan in motion to catch him in the act eating something absolutely foul.

We put cat droppings in a burrito and he didn’t even realize that something was weird till about 3 bites in. Jmersh

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