Petty Acts of Revenge That Seriously Draw the Line

Gotta Go Slow


I was working in the customer service booth at my local grocery store. It was my second day on the job alone, and I had JUST opened the booth. One guy comes up and I start helping him put his Western Union order through, it usually takes 5 minutes.

About 45 seconds after I start helping this guy, a woman comes up and IMMEDIATELY starts tapping her foot in impatience. Arms crossed, huffing, sighing, the whole deal. I just glance at her and keep doing my thing. I’m not going to mess up my order just because she’s being impatient.

But then she starts being vocal about it. She glances at her watch and says to no one in particular “I’m REALLY in a hurry. Ugh.” Then addresses me “Is there SERIOUSLY NO ONE ELSE TO HELP YOU?” I explained that no, it was just me.

Mind you it’s still just those two in line. She asks the customer in front of her that I’m already helping if she can just get her business taken care of so she can leave. He just kinda says “Ok, whatever” so she pushes her way in front of him and thrusts her bill in my face.

I take it, set it down, and tell her she can wait until I finish helping the customer who was in front of her. Then again she rambles to no one in particular “I have to be in Parowan by 10! It takes at LEAST an hour! I’m going to be late! Ugh!”

I finish with my customer (taking my sweet time) and start her transaction. Turns out she wanted to pay a bill by check and I had never done it before, so I had to call someone over to help me.

She continued to huff and puff while I took as much time as possible. I could have finished her transaction in less than 5 minutes, took at least 8 or 9. I hope she was late. Oddment_Tweak

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