Petty Acts of Revenge That Seriously Draw the Line

Al Gore’s Betrayal


When I was in 9th grade, a girl who was a year above and who had once been my friend began to harass me. She’d say mean things about me whenever I was in earshot, write mean things about me on her public blog and send me horrible emails.

At one point, her and her sidekick tried to jump me. I knew things had escalated too far, so I plotted how to get my cold, hard revenge. I remembered that she had a big crush on Al Gore and I knew that she used Xanga religiously so I tried to log into her Xanga, using Al Gore as the password.

Lo and behold, it worked. I deleted every single entry she had written. She had her account for like two years and when she saw what had happened, she made a long post about how heartbroken she was. Permalink

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