Petty Acts of Revenge That Seriously Draw the Line

Always Tip Your Waitress


Well this was several years ago when I was fresh out of high school. Previous to this day (several years prior) myself and some friends went out for pizza, and our one friend Frankie wouldn’t pitch in for a tip.

All we asked for was a dollar or two. He was the only one with a job and had a stack of 20’s in his wallet. I let him know I’d remember this and that he’d regret it. Well fast forward, we’re at a concert in downtown Columbus, Ohio.

It was for the NHL draft and they had a free Yellowcard concert for everyone. It was me, another friend, and Frankie. Frankie didn’t have any money and actually had to “borrow” a two liter of soda for the ride down from our friends house.

We decide to go to a restaurant before the show started and ended up trying out BD’s for the first time. We sit down and Frankie so kindly asked if we’d at least buy him a drink because he was very thirsty. Our other friend had barely any money so he had to refuse.

Frankie turned to me and with the biggest puppy dog eyes begs me for some money. “Frankie… Remember a few years back when you wouldn’t tip the nice waitress at Pizza Hut? I told you I would. So no, you can’t have any money from me. If you wouldn’t be such a jerk good things would happen to you.

I would have bought you a meal, but no, you brought this upon yourself.” He was pretty mad at us the rest of the day, but I think our friend shared a Gatorade with him after the concert was over. Sweet sweet revenge. Fillyblunts

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