Petty Acts of Revenge That Seriously Draw the Line

Nice to Meat You


My apartment neighbors are constantly complaining about supposed noise coming from my apartment. So after hearing enough of their whining I basically forced them to let me come inside and listen to what my music sounded like in their apartment.

Turns out you can’t hear anything. So as time goes on I would find small pieces of uncooked meat on my back patio. After the third time, about a week ago, I was mad, so I picked the meat up and threw it on their back patio as hard as I could, hoping it would wake them up. It didn’t.

After checking the next day the meat had bounced off the corner of the wall and wrapped itself around their storage room doorknob. Better luck could not have been possible.

Turns out they never go on their patio, and as a result there is putrid one week old rotting meat on their door handle as I type this. Permalink

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