Petty Acts of Revenge That Seriously Draw the Line

Beep Beep


My brother is a few years older than me so he has to go to work a few hours after i leave for school in the morning. He still lives at the house to save money, so I still have plenty of opportunities to mess with him even though he’s older and should be wiser.

Even though he has already graduated, he still seems to be the most immature one in my family, and that means that we’re frequently at odds with each other. Just the other day he took my new gaming keyboard to show off to his friends as if it was his and little things like that really bug me.

The best revenge is messing with his job, which is just about the most important thing he has going on right now. When I’m mad at him I unplug his alarm clock because I know it’s a pain to reset… that’ll show him… lobphin

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