Petty Acts of Revenge That Seriously Draw the Line

Truly Petty


I’m not too harsh when it comes to revenge, especially toward my spouse. After all, if I didn’t like him, I wouldn’t be married to him in the first place.

But when it comes to our kitchen duties, if I really want to remind him that he’s done something that hurt me emotionally, I’ll slack a bit on cleaning up so he’ll have to take on the brunt of the work himself after I’ve gone to bed.

Usually this means that he’ll have to do the dishes himself or mop the floor after the dog has come out of the rain, but on days when I’m just feeling petty, I’ll leave the most trivial tasks up to him.

Things like turning the lights off, closing the dishwasher and putting clothes in the hamper become his new job. Normally I always clear the leftover time after I use the microwave but when I’m mad at my husband I don’t. sydler

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