Petty Acts of Revenge That Seriously Draw the Line

A Shocking Sight


I went to the laundromat, and an older lady was there washing her sheets. There were only three triple-load washers in the whole place, and this lady felt the need to dry each individual sheet in each triple-load dryer for an entire 60 minutes.

There were other people there with at least two weeks’ worth of laundry that could have utilized the space station-sized dryers, too, but she acted totally oblivious to all of them.

So to get her back, I waited for the perfect moment. When she looked in my direction, I bent over to pull my clothes out of the washer and then flashed a FULL MOON about five feet from where she was standing. I know she saw it because she rushed out quickly afterward.

I just pulled up my jeans like it wasn’t a big deal and continued doing my laundry. God dang, it was satisfying to put that inconsiderate old witch in her place. Cable_Guy80

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