Petty Acts of Revenge That Seriously Draw the Line

Egg McMuffin


I have high school kids that park on my street every school day. Occasionally they will sit out there and smoke cigarettes, which is fine.. They are largely respectful of my property. I noticed this one kid always threw his McDonalds trash in my yard- I have caught him doing it a few times.

It wasn’t just empty paper bags and wrappers but sometimes half eaten food and the end of a bag of french fries that have caused every animal in the neighborhood to think of my house as their personal feeding ground. Now I egg his car every time I see trash on the ground.

It only seems like fair punishment for something that is illegal in our area. So far, I have done it twice, but haven’t seen his car for a few days. Maybe he gave up parking on my street. Yes, I am 32 and egg a 16 year old kid’s car. Pvt_Donkey

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