Petty Acts of Revenge That Seriously Draw the Line

Down the Drain


At my previous job I worked with a “story topper”. You know, she did it way better, cooler, and sooner than everyone else. She even started using my stories when she would show off her accomplishments to other people, which was rude beyond good taste. I was very irritated.

I started taking a pen or two a week from her desk. Sometimes it was some little doo-dad. I would casually snatch an item then take it to the mens bathroom where I would put it into a hole near the sink pipes, where she would literally never, ever find it.

And if anyone ever did find it, they would have to assume that she snuck into the men’s room to put her things there herself. It sounds stupid, but it made me feel like a rebel. I wish I could be there when they have to repair that sink and find all of her supplies in that wall. moonlitshroom

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