People Who Have Had Plastic Surgery Share How They Felt About it Afterwords

I Had Two Nose Jobs Then Got Into a Car Accident

Instagram / Rachel Harman

“I’ve had two nose-jobs (rhinoplasty). I wanted to have it done for years. I’m a female, and had a large bump on my nose. It got to the point I was so self conscious I’d hide behind my hair. I researched plastic surgeon’s like crazy and, after a consultation, decided to go with the chief of plastics at a top-10 hospital. The cost was close to ten thousand dollars.

The results were NOT what I expected. My nose looked almost exactly the same as before, and my doctor could not figure out why. After the healing period was over, he offered to re-operate. I gladly accepted and was so excited to finally get the results I was looking for!

After my second surgery, I traveled to Florida to throw my best friend a bridal shower. While stopped at a red light on a busy road, the car behind me slammed into me, causing a 3 car “pile up”. I was in the passenger seat and my face slammed into my knee, as I had it up to re-buckle my sandal. Most awful pain of my life, but even worse was the fact the driver of the car I was in did not have insurance, nor did the person who was faulted for the accident. My nose was broken and the cartridge was still in the healing-phase, so the results were null and void.

Despite the fact my nose is still really messed up and the accident caused injuries to my nose that weren’t there before, the bump isn’t as bad. That makes me happy. I DO feel less self conscious, despite the fact it still looks like a disaster. If there’s something you’re unhappy with that’s negatively effecting your life I would definitely recommend it, as it can really help. Just remember that the results are not guaranteed to be exactly what you want. Research, research, research for the best doctor. Go to multiple consultations.

I actually just recently applied to be on a plastic surgery show that fixes past surgeries, and got a call from the producer saying they were interested (they would obviously provide the service for free) but haven’t heard back. I’m hoping some day I’ll be able to get my nose fixed once and for all! Best of luck!” – Reddit / elleesdee

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