People Who Have Had Plastic Surgery Share How They Felt About it Afterwords

It Cost Me $22,000


“It’s a bit late to the thread, but my guess is that it’s probably the most extreme of any of the facial surgeries here. I’m a long-transitioned transwoman, but back in my early 20s, I had facial feminization surgery (FFS) in order to make my face appear more, well, feminine. It cost me $22k, but it was probably the best money I’ve ever spent on myself. I have “passed” ever since having the surgery, and it was a huge boost to my self-esteem.

The surgery included: Bi-planer scalp advancement / brow lift (not much, as my skin was tight because I was so young), Frontal bossing and supra-orbital reduction (endoscopic shaving), Rhinoplasty, Chin bone reduction (endoscopic shaving), 3mm Medpor cheek implants, and Thyroid chondroplasty, aka trachea shave.” – Reddit / suprisesexchange

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