I Think I’m More Attractive Now

“Male here who has had a rhinoplasty and a chin implant. Had my nose surgery just over a year ago with a touch up 4 months ago when I had the chin implant done as well to bring better balance to my face. I was attractive before and didn’t really have anything “wrong”, more of a refinement surgery. Would definitely say it was for vanity more than anything.
The first couple weeks after I had my nose done I thought I looked amazing, but after a couple weeks you get used to it, and I felt the same as before although I knew I was more attractive. According to my doctor, about 10% of people may need a touch up depending how you heal. I did need a touch up and had my chin done at the same time to bring it into better balance with my new nose. I was awake for the touch up and chin implant. Needles are stuck strait into your nose to freeze it, as well as into your jaw for the chin implant. The doctor then makes an incision between your nose skin and the cartilage underneath, and then begins to file it down with a rasp until they feel they have the correct shape. The chin implant is a lot more crude. Incision under the chin, take scissors and snip away a “pocket” to place the implant, and then stick it in and stitch it up.
Recovery is pretty awful for a week because your nose is packed and you can’t breathe, makes sleeping pretty difficult. After the nose packing is removed it isn’t too bad. The chin implant recovery is a lot better, just some bruising/ swelling for a couple weeks.
Results: It turned out well and I am happy with it. The difference is very slight and no one has really been able to pinpoint that I’ve had anything done. People I’ve told who I see regularly have said they thought I looked different but weren’t really sure. They just though I did my hair differently or something.
More desirable?: I think I am more attractive. To others? I was considered attractive before, having this done really didn’t help all that much. The few people who knew me before and after who I told about the surgery have said I am more attractive.
I would definitely recommend having it done if it’s something you want. If done well no one will really be able to tell except for you (if done well and you aren’t making a drastic change). It really is something you need to do because you want to.
Cost: I know this will be the next question. Nose was $12,500, chin was $3,500 because I did it with the nose (normally $4,500). Spend the extra and go to a surgeon with a good reputation.” – Reddit / throwawaysurgery123