An Implant Granted Me Perfect Vision

I wouldn’t call this “plastic surgery” but it was cosmetic.
My vision for most of my life has been extraordinarily poor. Up until two years ago, I had a lens prescription of -11. Despite opting for the ultra-thin lenses anytime I went to get new glasses, they were still coke-bottles. It was always something I was very self-conscious about, I felt ugly, and that people – especially other men – felt that I was just a stereotypical nerd that could be easily pushed around despite my fairly extensive background in wrestling and martial arts.
In fact, I’m fairly certain I spent a good portion of my teenage and young-adult years trying to compensate for my insecurities.
I spent about 8 months looking into the popular eye surgeries (LASIK, PRK) to correct my vision, but my vision was so bad that no doctor would agree to a full correction with the amount of corneal material they they would have to work with. Too many risks to my vision both in the short and long-term.
Understandable, considering all of the malpractice suits these days. One doctor ended up directing me to a procedure I had never heard of called ICL (Implanted Collamer Lens).
It was expensive, it was invasive, but not at all dissimilar from cataract surgery. Basically, they had to poke holes my irises using a laser to ensure the fluid in my eyes wouldn’t get blocked, and then a month later, they put new lenses over my existing ones. Each eye had to be done separately, which meant spending a week with one working eye.
The surgery cost me a grand total of $8000, and it wasn’t covered by insurance. I’ve just finished paying it off under a two year no-interest plan, but it was the best decision I ever made. After three months straight worth of appointments and eye drops, I came out of it all with perfect 20/20 vision. Would do it again” – Reddit / maiorano84