People Who Have Had Plastic Surgery Share How They Felt About it Afterwords

A Childhood Accident Ruined My Jaw

Instagram / Dr. Kassir

“I used to have a narrow upper jaw and a lower side bite crooked jaw – when I was a child I fell from the monkey bars and my right side of my lower jaw quit growing.

So when I turned 30 I had a good job and good insurance and decided to get Orthognathic surgery. They broke up upper jaw into three pieces and pulled it forward and wider. My lower jaw was broken and brought to the left to even out my face.

The recovery was horrendous and I was miserable for a year afterwards (first 6 weeks jaws wired shut with a bite plate on the top of my roof of my mouth). All I could do was drink things. Also had a lot of swelling for that first year.

But it turned out great and when I show people my before pictures they don’t even believe it’s me. I have a fuller face and more aligned now (but not perfect)

But I would do it again in a heartbeat.” – Reddit / BlakeIsGreat

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