People Who Have Had Plastic Surgery Share How They Felt About it Afterwords

I Always Wore My Hair In Front of My Face


“I’m a 24-year-old woman and only recently have I felt okay with wearing my hair pulled back because it makes me so self-conscious about my nose.

I’m mostly Dutch and I inherited the big nose and weak chin that almost everyone has on that side of the family. It really sucks as a woman since I can’t grow a beard to camouflage my lack of a chin like men can, and a big nose seems so much worse on a woman.

I’m okay looking from the front and I’m frequently told I’m very attractive or beautiful (I never get “cute,” obviously), but I feel so ugly because of my profile that I honestly don’t know if people do actually think I’m attractive or if they’re lying to me to make me feel better.

I do absolutely want to have plastic surgery some day just so I’m more comfortable with myself, but until then I’m trying to just live my life and not worry about my appearance so much.” – Reddit / asdoieh

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