People Who Have Had Plastic Surgery Share How They Felt About it Afterwords

I Would Recommend It to Anyone


“I got my ears pinned back when I was 13. I’d always had big ears that stuck out a lot and I always got teased and called things like “elephant” and other names, and I never EVER wore my hair up because I hated my ears so much. The summer between 7th and 8th grade, I made a deal with my dad that if I helped him paint our house, I could get the surgery. It was completely my idea, and it was honestly the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. My self esteem went through the roof, I could wear my hair however I wanted, and I was just so much happier with myself. And my dad and I painted our whole house, two coats.

Whenever I hear people complain about cosmetic surgery, I get really frustrated. I would compare cosmetic surgery to braces; tons of people have braces, and a vast majority of the time it’s for cosmetic reasons. Their teeth are [messed] up, let’s fix em. I think surgery is the same way. If there’s something you really don’t like about yourself and you have the money to fix it, go ahead! For kids, it can save them a lot of bullying and self-hatred and emotional trauma. For me, my surgery really changed my life and made me the confident person I am today.

10/10 would recommend” – Reddit / lilycamilly

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