He Was a Total Narcissist

When I was in high school, I dated a guy who was a narcissist. We had a very tumultuous breakup. I moved away for college and came back a year later. We were friends. In the time I was gone, he had convinced himself that we were going to be getting back together.
However, at that point, I’d had enough time away to realize how manipulative and cruel he was while we were together, so I was NOT about to go there. He kept telling me he wouldn’t take no for an answer, and he’d convince me. I ignored him and did my own thing.
I hooked up with a mutual friend that I had known way longer than my ex. It had nothing to do with him, but he took it personally. He found out and wrote a song about how much he hated me and wanted to get rid of me. It had my full name in it and everything.
He turned every single one of my friends against me, whether they thought I did anything wrong or not. He then stalked me for three years.
He showed up at my mom’s house, not realizing I didn’t live there anymore, stalked my current boyfriend, showed up at my jobs, and made multiple accounts to reach me on social media. It was driving me insane, and half of it didn’t make any sense.
I would have nightmares about him being in my house all the time. It was terrible. The worst part was that his mom was a lawyer. When I reached out to her to tell her about the stuff he was doing, her reaction was brutal.
She told me it wasn’t her problem, but she hoped that we could work it out because she missed me and thought we were great together. Story credit: Reddit / jurassicamryn