“Psycho Ex” Stories That Will Make You Wish You Were Single

Fake Social Media Pages


My ex stalked me for five years. She would make fake social media profiles to try to follow me, which I would block endlessly, and she would try to find where I worked so she could talk to me. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

This lady cheated on me with seven different men in the two months after we were married. I kicked her butt to the curb and made her sign the court papers. When we had our day in court she cried in the judge’s office while I just wanted to get this stuff over with.

After, my dad was with me and dealt her one final blow: He threw 50 dollars at her and told her to, “Change your last name.” Good thing to do as she deserved it. I haven’t seen or heard from her in about five years now. Thank goodness. Story credit: Reddit / Letharos

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