“Psycho Ex” Stories That Will Make You Wish You Were Single

It Kept Getting Worse


My ex-boyfriend just absolutely lost it when I had enough and ended things. He took my dog when he went back to work, told my parents I was suicidal, so he had to know where I was, and when I tried staying at either of my parents’ places, my vehicle would get vandalized.

He threatened to take me to the authorities because he had someone do something to his house and claimed it HAD to be me. Meanwhile, I was at the bar on the night in question.

He blackmailed me for my dog, threatening that he would have one of his friends off her, or that he was going to release her in traffic, and if she got hit, it would be my fault. But it got even more insane.

My work had to create a plan where the building would go on lockdown should he show up as he was threatening them too. The final straw was when my brother left his phone out, and my ex was calling it non-stop.

I picked up and lost it. I found a place to rent and told nobody where it was, not even family. Story credit: Reddit / MajesticCanadian92

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