“Psycho Ex” Stories That Will Make You Wish You Were Single

Avoid Her at All Costs


This girl I dated in high school for over a year was all kinds of manipulative and crazy. I finally broke up with her after she cheated on me. I decided to break up with her in her room at her house, so I could leave immediately.

When I said it, she (without even thinking about it), grabbed her jewelry box and chucked it at her window. The glass shattered, and she started grabbing chunks of broken glass and throwing them at me. Two hit me: one in the shoulder, one grazed my face.

I ran from that house and made a point to avoid her at all costs at school. After she found out that I had told people about the encounter, she went even crazier.

She came to my house in the middle of the night with a friend, who threw an entire barbecue through my bedroom window. Needless to say, we got the cops involved. Story credit: Reddit / ContemptSlot

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