“Psycho Ex” Stories That Will Make You Wish You Were Single

You’ve Changed


I was going out with my ex for a few years, at which point we were living together. She was pretty bonkers so I decided to break up with her. After a few hours of crying I went out for a while (but not before tactically hiding my Xbox).

I came home that evening to find that she had moved all her stuff out and gone to her mother’s, but that wasn’t all. She had also taken all of the light bulbs and toilet paper so I couldn’t see what the heck was going on (nor could I use the toilet).

I thought that was pretty weird but things were going to get a whole lot weirder. After I fumbled my way to bed and woke up in the morning, I found torn-up photos and other bits of things from our relationship ALL OVER the place with little messages written on the back.

This was pretty freaky so I cleaned them up and went to work. The next night rolled around. This time, I woke up halfway through the night and she was there, standing in the darkness of my bedroom doorway, silhouetted by one of my brand new lightbulbs in the hall.

She just stood there and said, “Don’t freak out.” I freaked out. She got into bed with me and said that she wanted to cuddle. I was still pretty freaked out and half asleep so I said, “I would rather not,” and she just turned to me and said,

“You’ve changed.” She left and, thankfully, I pretty much never saw her again ever again. Not that it stopped me from changing all the locks to my place. Story credit: Reddit / mincertron

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