“Psycho Ex” Stories That Will Make You Wish You Were Single

Prepare For the Worst


I once was in a pretty nasty relationship. When we broke up, we’d both gotten this temp job that was scheduled way in advance. Soon, it was time for me to start my first day. I gird my loins, preparing for the worst, but what I got was something I couldn’t prepare for.

It happened while we were doing first-day introductions. During introductions, she stared at me blankly and asked, “What’s your name?” I was so confused, but I heard from a mutual friend that she was in a car crash and got temporary amnesia. Then I heard from another friend that she slipped in the rain.

In fact, I heard a bunch of different stories and am forced to conclude that she pretended to have amnesia with multiple people in order to deal with our breakup. Story credit: Reddit / mister_sleepy

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