“Psycho Ex” Stories That Will Make You Wish You Were Single

Craziest Day Ever


About six months after the divorce I had moved into a small apartment and had a date over at my place. I hadn’t heard from my ex in a few months and they were always very cordial. My date and I were watching a movie and cuddling on the couch when there’s a knock at the door.

I figured it was one of my friends and just opened it without checking first. It was my ex-wife. She pushed the door open and came in and I had no idea how she found out where I lived as I had never told her. She comes in, livid that I have a date over.

I told her it was none of her business but she threatened the girl I was with. The date ends up leaving after a few minutes of dealing with the wench. She then proceeds to pull a knife from my kitchen drawer and threatens to kill herself. I was a decent person, I calmed her down and got the knife away.

We talk in a calm manner for a while where she says she misses me, blah, blah. She then goes to use my bathroom which was in my bedroom. She didn’t come back for a while so I go to check, fearing she did something stupid. Well, she did, but not anything harmful.

She is lying in my bed, touching herself. When I walk in I’m like, “What in the world!” She proceeds to say, “Don’t you want this, don’t you miss this?” When I said “no” she tried to throw herself at me. I resisted and pushed her away.

This battle goes on for what seems like forever with her continuously trying to take my pants off and kiss me. Finally she gets the hint and leaves. Craziest day ever. Story credit: Reddit / Guitarmannunly

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