“Psycho Ex” Stories That Will Make You Wish You Were Single

High School Love


My first really serious boyfriend told my best friend he was planning on breaking up with me (and then was shocked when she told me beforehand?). He then asked me to meet him at the coffee shop where we first met at 10:00 at night.

When we got there, I said, “You can’t break up with me. I’m breaking up with you first!” His reaction shocked me. Instead of being sad, he just said, “Okay,” and THAT ticked me off, so I took off my shoes and took off running, barefoot, down the empty main street of my town.

So I expect that I’m his “crazy-ex” story. He told me later, when we were no longer idiots in high school, that he thought I was preparing to smack him across the face with my sandal. Story credit: Reddit / suddenly_toast

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