“Psycho Ex” Stories That Will Make You Wish You Were Single

Card Declined


A group of friends and I traveled to a resort city to catch up and relax for a long weekend. The weekend was fine. I covered the hotel and told everyone not to order room service because it would get charged to my card. Everyone left on time, except one guy who was hungover and begged me to let him sleep in.

I wanted to beat traffic, so I told him that he would have to be gone by noon or hotel security would boot him out. I thought that was that—I was so wrong. Two weeks later, I got a bill for around $3,200 for room service at the hotel.

After everyone left, that guy started ordering all the booze he could drink and kept charging it to the room, pretending that he was me. Eventually, the staff asked him for ID and booted him out when they realized he wasn’t me, and all his credit cards got declined.

Since they still had to get paid, they pretended that his earlier purchases were valid and charged me. Story credit: Reddit / dring157

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