“Psycho Ex” Stories That Will Make You Wish You Were Single

You’re Making a Big Mistake


I walked in the door and announced I was ready for the relationship to end. He was cool and said, “Okay….okay.” I told him I should go and he offered to give me a ride home. I got into his car and he started driving; I lived like five minutes from his house.

He drove past my street and told me we needed to go for a ride and talk more. My blood ran cold. I asked him to pull over and let me out or turn around and take me home. He would do neither. So he kept driving me around crying and telling me he thinks I’m making a big mistake.

I kept yelling at him that he was kidnapping me, until he finally pulled into a church parking lot and threw open the door. I got out of the car and walked home. Story credit: Reddit / ammorie

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