“Psycho Ex” Stories That Will Make You Wish You Were Single

End of Conversation

Wikimedia Commons

While I was on a date with my now-wife, my ex filed a report claiming that I was stalking her. Once I got home from my date, officers were there, and we had a chat.

I had texts from my ex claiming that she was going to slash my tires, call the authorities, file fake stalking charges, break into my apartment, and vandalize and possibly hurt me if I was there.

When they came to talk to me about stalking, I showed them these messages, and that was the end of the conversation. I told them I just wanted to be left alone. They told me they would come back if there were any more questions or concerns.

To this day, I have never heard anything about that incident, so I assume the authorities then went and had a conversation with my ex. Story credit: Reddit / thedude386

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