“Psycho Ex” Stories That Will Make You Wish You Were Single

My First Serious Boyfriend


I was 14 or 15, and had broken up with my first “serious” boyfriend after he drank too much and vomited on himself, as well as all over my friend’s yard. It may seem harsh, but I have very little tolerance for those who drink way beyond their limit while knowingly doing so.

Anyways, about two weeks later I was confronted in a rather serious manner by my cousin. She asked me if it was true, if I was planning on using hard drugs. I was highly offended by this, but it turned out that the ex-boyfriend had spread the rumor to as many people as he could.

I cleared this up with everyone I could, but ever since then, the relationship between my cousin and I has completely derailed. We were like the best of friends just weeks before that, and nowadays we rarely talk. That’s not something I wanted to lose, or can easily get back. Story credit: Reddit / Iamnot

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