“Psycho Ex” Stories That Will Make You Wish You Were Single

None of My Business


I dated a girl very briefly in high school (we’ll call her Ex 1), and we remained friends. Later, I dated another girl for about a year (Ex 2). After I broke up with the second girl, she was very upset.

A month later, Ex 1 and Ex 2 message me to inform me that they’re both lesbians and that they’re going to be together and wanted to make sure I was okay with that.

I said it was none of my business. This led to a very painful time for me. I really didn’t care, but what I failed to consider was Ex 2’s laundry list of emotional problems, and that Ex 2 would take virtually every opportunity to try to make me look bad.

If Ex 1 and Ex 2 were together, Ex 2 would be at all our social activities. This went on for a few months until it turned out Ex 2 wasn’t really a lesbian. They broke up and she dated dudes ever since. Story credit: Reddit / docbathroom

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