“Psycho Ex” Stories That Will Make You Wish You Were Single

In the Middle of the Night


My ex left me in the middle of the night. He just packed all his stuff and disappeared. Absolutely nothing led up to this. We didn’t have the best relationship, but we had a pretty good few weeks and a really good day that day.

He shows back up hours later for something he forgot and asks if he could take my iPhone charger.

I still have abandonment issues to this very day and it has negatively impacted every relationship I’ve had since then because I haven’t been able to really let my guard completely down with anyone in fear of being suddenly left again. Romantic and platonic.

Plus I now get extreme anxiety and start to freak out if I haven’t heard from them for a while. The icing on the cake? While cleaning out the rest of his stuff weeks later, I found a list of all the things he was planning to take with him.

On that list, was my turtle. My pet turtle. Not ours. Mine. That’s been with me since high school. Freaking psycho. Story credit: Reddit / dyam

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