Question Everything

I dated this girl for two months. After the third or fourth week, she started accusing me of talking to “my other women,” and kept questioning everything I did. I had no idea why she even had an idea like that when I spend 60% of my time at work and 40% at home playing games or watching Netflix.
I was not social at all, nor did I text or chat with anyone. However, she thought I was doing some shady stuff. Usually, I would just turn it into a joke, but as weeks went by, she started getting more aggressive by biting and scratching me. The day I broke up with her was the day she kneed me in the nuts.
At first, we were talking about something, she hugged me really hard, and then, she tried to bite my shoulder, but I pushed her away. I thought we were joking around. She went up to me, making me think we were going to hug and kneed me.
I pushed her so hard that she lost her balance and landed on her behind. She started laughing, saying, “I never hit anyone in the balls before.” I immediately looked at her intensely and said, “Get away from me!!” She saw how angry I was that she got up and walked away.
Then she tried to pick up a conversation with me through text the following day. I ignored her. She even wished me a happy birthday months later, trying to be nice to me. I still ignored her. Story credit: Reddit / Alukrad